HelioBase Installer
  1. HelioBase Installer Ver.
  1. Download a setup module from link above.
  2. Execute it to setup the application.
  3. Register your trial license.
    1. Execute HelioBase from Windows start menu.
    2. Click 'OK' button on a 'license alert' dialog.
    3. Click 'Acquire Trial License' button on a 'License Settings' dialog.
    4. Input your name and email address.
    5. Your license password will be sent to you by email.
    6. Input your password in the 'License password' text box on the 'License Settings' dialog.
    You can use HelioBase for 6 days without any licenses. Until you get the license password, you can close the 'License Settings' dialog by X button to use HelioBase.
    You can open it anytime by executing the HelioBase application from Windows start menu.

    note: HelioBase needs HTTP(S) communication with port 80 and 443.
Sample data
Plugin script