HelioBase Installer
- HelioBase Installer Ver.
- Download a setup module from link above.
- Execute it to setup the application.
- Register your trial license.
- Execute HelioBase from Windows start menu.
- Click 'OK' button on a 'license alert' dialog.
- Click 'Acquire Trial License' button on a 'License Settings' dialog.
- Input your name and email address.
- Your license password will be sent to you by email.
- Input your password in the 'License password' text box on the 'License Settings' dialog.
You can use HelioBase for 6 days without any licenses. Until you get the license password, you can close the 'License Settings' dialog by X button to use HelioBase.
You can open it anytime by executing the HelioBase application from Windows start menu.
note: HelioBase needs HTTP(S) communication with port 80 and 443.
Sample data
- Sample Data for the tutorial(Basic) [DATA]
- Sample Data for the tutorial(PV Placement) [DATA]
- Sample Data for the tutorial(3D Model Generation/Placement) [DATA]
- Sample Data for the tutorial(3D Model Generation/Placement) [DATA]
- Sample Data for the tutorial(Power Generation Calculation) [DATA]
Plugin script
- Convert Sketchup SKP files to DXF or STL[download page]
If you use the free version of Trmble Scketcup, you cannot export the STL file.
The plugin [skp_to_dxf.rb] which is able to download from above URL allows you to export your Skectchup model as a STL file.